Friday, December 28, 2012

Macaroni Salad. An Easy Classic!

Macaroni Salad - An Easy Classic!
Hi folks! Its been a while since I've posted. During the recent Christmas season, I had opportunity to put together some of the easy classics that we all enjoy. Whether it be summer or winter, macaroni salad is a favorite when you have a gathering. I was surprised that although some had eaten it all their lives, they did not know how easy it is to prepare it. Well, to make sure that such a classic survives the test of time and doesn't disappear into obscurity, I've written it down for others to enjoy.

2-cups dry elbow macaroni
2/3 cup yellow onion - diced medium to fine
2/3 cup celery - sliced thin
2/3 cup green bell pepper (or add some red/orange pepper for color)
1/4 cup carrot - shredded
1/4 cup tomato (diced fine and seeds/juice removed) (option ingredient)
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
1 cup mayonnaise (add last)

Cook macaroni to tender, usually 7-9 minutes after boiling starts. Drain and chill. I speed up the chilling process by submerging the cooked macaroni into ice cold water and leave it there while I cut up the other ingredients. Once chilled, remove and drain the macaroni well.
Add the mayo last. 
Mix all ingredients with the drained macaroni except the mayo. Add the salt and pepper slowly as you mix to insure good distribution of the seasoning.

Finally add the mayo, stir well and chill. The macaroni may tend to absorb some of the mayo as it sits, so you may need to add a tablespoon or two back to the dish before you serve it. Macaroni salad is always best the following day, so I tend to make it a day before I need it.

Anyway, feed back is always enjoyed. Please let you friends know about my site and feel free to write in if their is anything you would like to see on Cooking With Harv.

Thanks again, Take care. Just Harv.

Chill and Serve! 

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