Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Lil' Humor :-)

Hi folks! I had so many turnovers left from dinner yesterday that I didnt need to cook today.....I didnt want to leave you with nothing at all, so I thought I'd plug in a little kitchen humor! I found some seriously funny stuff across the web, but not all of them were descent enough to post....but a few are. This little list came from a site called e-cookbooks. Check 'em out when you can.

The Top Ten Signs You're Being Stalked by Martha Stewart:
   10. Mysterious late-night phone calls: "I can't stop thinking
       about you... and that's a good thing!"
    9. Contents of your curbside recycling tub are stolen,
       reorganized, and replaced.
    8. On her show she makes a gingerbread house that looks exactly
       like your split-level, right down to the fallen-over licorice
       downspout and the stuck half-open graham cracker garage door.
    7. You get a threatening note made up of letters cut out of a
       magazine with pinking shears, and they're all the same size,
       the same font, and precisely lined up in razor-sharp rows.
    6. You find your pet bunny on the stove in an exquisite tarragon,
       rose petal & saffron demi-glace with pecan-crusted hearts of
       palm and a delicate mint-fennel sauce.
    5. The unmistakable aroma of potpourri follows you everywhere -
       even after you leave the bathroom.
    4. You discover that every napkin in the whole house has been
       folded into a swan.
    3. That telltale lemon slice in the dog's water bowl.
    2. You wake up in the hospital with a concussion and endive
       stuffing in every orifice.
      ... and the Number 1 Sign You're Being Stalked by Martha Stewart:
    1. You awaken one morning with a glue gun pointed squarely
       at your temple.

LOL.... I hope you liked it. Thanks for stopping in. - Just Harv   :-)

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